how far along? 27 weeks
development: the babe is 13.6 to 14.8 inches long and is weighing 1.5 to 2.5 lbs, about the size of a rutabaga. a what? yes, i had to look this up: a rutabaga is a root vegetable that originated as a cross between the cabbage and the turnip. the ovia pregnancy app on my iphone compares the babe's size to a bunch a bananas - a little easier to visualize. :) we're in the last week of the second trimester... the little man is showing brain activity, increasing movement and his eardrums are developing. while his lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning - with a lot of medical help - if he were to be born now.
maternity clothes? gonna be packing up my maternity jeans, leggings, maternity tops, long tanks and sweaters for our trip to the windy city soon - chicago, here we come! overall, i'm thankful that i'm going through this pregnancy during the wintertime. not only am i more comfortable not having to deal with 90 degree weather, but i can be cozy and warm in my layers, scarves and boots!
finally got that snazzy holiday dress i ordered, and let's just say it needs a little altering so i'm not swimming in it. i also received the pretty pushers labor & delivery gown and for what it is, in all it's simplicity, it seems pretty awesome.
finally got that snazzy holiday dress i ordered, and let's just say it needs a little altering so i'm not swimming in it. i also received the pretty pushers labor & delivery gown and for what it is, in all it's simplicity, it seems pretty awesome.
sleep? some nights are better than others. feeling a bit more tired lately during the day, and been having a heck of a time rolling over at night without it feeling like a project.
stretch marks? nothing yet. my belly button hasn't popped yet either (not looking forward to that inevitable milestone, lol) but in preparation, i've ordered a flexible pregnancy belly button ring that i'll probably change out once it arrives. no, i'm not giving up the one unique piercing i've had for almost 11 years. :)
best moments this week: weekend family time • receiving christmas cards and photos in the mail • spending time on diy gifts
miss anything? an espresso martini would have been pretty tasty at our office christmas dinner this past weekend
movement: yes! been pretty much the same, regularly in the afternoons and evenings
food cravings: nothing crazy
anything making you queasy or sick? nope
gender: all boy... "a boy's will is the wind's will." ~ henry wadsworth longfellow
pregnancy symptoms: back pain - definitely a bit more affected by back pain now. let's say sitting on the floor for hours wrapping christmas gifts really doesn't help, either. an itchy back and belly (trying to stay moisturized - some may be due to winter dry skin, too!), some pelvic pain as my little body preps for labor, and a dry, sometimes stuffy nose.
wedding rings, on or off? on
happy or moody most of the time? happy
looking forward to: glucose screening test tomorrow (friday) - well, maybe not exactly looking forward to it - i'm actually pretty anxious about how it will go • celebrating one of many family christmases on saturday • heading to chicago and hoping for decent driving weather • excited for my first baby shower goodness with family in chicago! can't wait!
notes from dad: Week 27 finds me in the baby's room. His little room is taking shape. The room's been rewired, new drywall and is about ready for primer and paint. The baby count down is ringing loudly in my ears. The tasks are mounting, but I do find myself enjoying working on his room.
We are still hashing out a name for this little one. Our two top names are bold, strong and different. I have never met anybody with the names we have picked. It is really a bold step. Do we name this child / man a name that would get attention? or at least a second look? or "oh that's different!"? I love that Karin is bold and wants to have a semi-unique name. I, on the other hand have been having more of a hard time with the decision. I am really happy and excited about both our top names, but I don't know a single person with them. Does that make it too strange? Well I don't know if it matters either way. Karin says "when you meet a person and they tell you their name, thats who they are!" I guess that sounds like a good enough argument to me.
notes from dad: Week 27 finds me in the baby's room. His little room is taking shape. The room's been rewired, new drywall and is about ready for primer and paint. The baby count down is ringing loudly in my ears. The tasks are mounting, but I do find myself enjoying working on his room.
We are still hashing out a name for this little one. Our two top names are bold, strong and different. I have never met anybody with the names we have picked. It is really a bold step. Do we name this child / man a name that would get attention? or at least a second look? or "oh that's different!"? I love that Karin is bold and wants to have a semi-unique name. I, on the other hand have been having more of a hard time with the decision. I am really happy and excited about both our top names, but I don't know a single person with them. Does that make it too strange? Well I don't know if it matters either way. Karin says "when you meet a person and they tell you their name, thats who they are!" I guess that sounds like a good enough argument to me.
been keeping busy in general and with prepping for christmas... writing and checking my lists of things to do and christmas gifts, wrapping gifts, shopping, making some diy gifts, checking my lists, laundry, weighing out daycare facilities and oh, checking my lists. :)
been thinking lately about the things that need done pre-baby, and these are just a few. there may be a few happening further away than others, but hopefully soon we can start crossing items off the list.
to do list:
- figure out daycare
- wash and organize baby clothes
- pack hospital bag
- attend hospital tour and child care classes (already scheduled for january)
- write out birth plan and preregister at hospital
- figure out how to handle maternity leave, insurance, etc.
- make up some frozen meals for post baby boy
- baby proof the house (mainly - buy new coffee table not made of glass. farewell, panther... we've been close these past 10 years, lol.)
^^^ crisp, winter morning skies
^^^ pretty pushers labor & delivery gown... froggie doggie bottoms
week 27 down, just three months to go! 88 days. march 18 will be here before we know it. craziness!
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