so, i can't believe that i've forgotten to mention it before in past posts, but our actual due date is march 18, 2014 just a few days short of anthony's birthday on the 21st. hopefully if anything like the phrase, 'march comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb', our babe will be more like a little lamb, not a lion! roarrr! here are our weekly updates:
how far along? 13 weeks. last week of the 1st trimester!
development: our produce has grown to the size of a peach! about 2.9" long and weighs about .81 ounces. vocal cords and teeth are forming.
maternity clothes? no
sleep? anthony gifted me a jawbone 'up' for my birthday a few weeks ago, and it's been really interesting tracking my sleep patterns and daily activity - i feel a little more in tune to what my body is doing. i've been able to see how much light and deep sleep i've been getting, and how many times and how long i'm awake during the night. it's also made me realize that i need to walk more, a lot more. it's hard to do though, sitting at a computer for the majority of the day.
stretch marks? nope
best moment this week: let's say moments, cause i can't really pick out one best. they're simple, really, but... grocery shopping, welcoming ant home from a work trip, buying and feeling really good in a few new comfy shirts that will hopefully stretch with me a bit and finally, our appointment today at maternal fetal medicine.
miss anything? not really
movement: nothing yet
food cravings: nothing out of the ordinary, but when i have a taste for something, that's usually what i want
anything making you queasy or sick? no
gender: waiting to find out!
pregnancy symptoms: been feeling really good
have you started to show yet? yes
wedding rings, on or off? on
happy or moody most of the time? i wouldn't say moody necessarily, but a few things have seemed to annoy me pretty easily - mostly work related. i guess that's normal. lol
looking forward to: just being and enjoying the little things
notes from dad: Thirteen weeks is an exciting week. The baby's grown to a peach. Karin asked me to draw the peach on the chalkboard! (be sure to check that out). We cannot forget it's the first week of football season! Go Bears! And a couple days in Orlando for work. That always makes the heart grow fonder. We are busy still enjoying summer events on weekends. We have a lot of projects we are hoping to do. The calendar has never been more important. How will we do it all? Who knows? We're enjoying getting there!
here is my grocery store oogling for the week. i actually love grocery shopping and i love cheese. can i say again?... i love cheese. and not that i love prego, but i thought it was funny since we've probably all heard the term (and i must say i'm not fond of it) for pregnant ladies. i just thought it would make a fun pic.
for those who haven't seen me in zumba 'gear'... i'm still continuing to instruct zumba fitness classes once a week through the end of october, and attend classes about two other times per week as long as i can or feel like it. this photo was taken almost a year ago and i hope to look like this again after baby!
week 13 down. 187 more days to go.
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