
Monday, August 26, 2013

11 weeks

how far along?  11 weeks
maternity clothes?  no, just comfy and casual
sleep?  still sleeping good, the usual for me, waking occasionally for a trip to the bathroom or a big ol' glass of ice cold water
stretch marks?  nope
best moment this week:  it was all a good time, these past two weeks. excited and congratulatory reactions of family were the best - some are convinced we're having a girl, already, when we mentioned that the baby's heartbeat was 171 at our 8 week appointment. a family trip to erie, with our fender, to break the news to my whole family, gathered for a reunion of sorts. we also took our first camping trip in a few summers and relaxed the weekend away.
miss anything?  still, an occasional, tasty cold brew. we stopped in to al's, a pizza place we used to go to every now and then to find that they've reno'd and added beer cooler after beer cooler. so many that i've never even heard of. yes, i wanted to try one a few.
movement:  none. anthony keeps asking, but it's way too early
food cravings:  we fulfilled my food craving for pizza at al's
anything making you queasy or sick?  no, thank goodness
gender:  how much longer?
pregnancy symptoms:  still general nausea here and there, but no major morning sickness
have you started to show yet?  yes, but still able to conceal, until appearing to have a little extra in the tummy is actually cute
wedding rings, on or off?  on
happy or moody most of the time?  happy, i think  :)
looking forward to:  my birthday this week (a whopping 34 years) and our next appointment on 9/5
notes from dad:  11 weeks and i am feeling nervous and excited. we are having a lot of fun telling people. i like to tell people. doing photo shoots and really enjoying our time together. i feel really good. my wife is GLOWING and super beautiful - it's like i'm winning all over the place. looking forward to the next appointment and finding out more.

along with the 11 week milestone, we hit another inevitable one. i could have chosen another pair with a bit more wiggle room, but i wanted to wear these. yes, these. this is called the "close-your-jeans-with-a-hair-tie-trick". i see some belly band making in my future.

since they're so darn cute, i wanted to show how we shared our news with the parents. they were a bit of a teaser with multiple steps to get to the actual news, but well worth it and a keepsake at that!

here are a few highlights of our camping trip this weekend. all i can say is that i love my bed.
-the glow of our christmas light filled tent

 -anthony and fender on a walk

 -such cutsie little cabins!

-fender on the obstacle course at the campground doggie park

over and out on on week 11. 204 days to go.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

little baby walker

our first appointment was a little overwhelming, to say the least, but it all turned around when we got to see our little one. i expected to see a blob on the ultrasound, honestly, but this little creature was flailing it's arms like it knew there was an audience.

how far along?  9 weeks
total weight gain:  about 2 pounds? 
maternity clothes?  not yet, although i have some on deck, thanks to maria
sleep?  interrupted by the almost-nightly pee break. ahhh, naps are nice.
stretch marks?  nope
best moment this week:  starting to share the news and seeing reactions 
miss anything?  an occasional, tasty cold brew
movement:  none
food cravings:  ice cream & sweets, but i wouldn't say that's different than any other time  :)
anything making you queasy or sick?  the only thing i've found so far that has given me terrible heartburn was a big ol' plate of nachos!
gender:  give it some time... we'll find out
pregnancy symptoms:  general nausea here and there, but no major morning sickness
have you started to show yet?  there's a bit of a tummy developing, but it also feels like i just look bloated or had too much uh, ice cream 
wedding rings, on or off?  on
happy or moody most of the time?  according to husband, 'same as it ever was'. happy!
looking forward to:  family and friends reaction to the news

on a side note, we've already started stocking up on a few goodies. thanks to a friend (who doesn't know i'm pregnant yet) posting to another friend on fb, i learned that august is national breastfeeding month and scored a free (except for shipping) baby sling from Seven Everyday Slings and nursing pillow from Nursing Pillow. i was pretty pleased with that little find - they should be here this week. i also purchased a boon lawn countertop drying rack, which i love... and have purchased more than one in the past for baby showers i've attended. my turn!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


at 8 weeks and after many conversations (both serious and hilarious), we head to our first prenatal appointment tomorrow. after what feels like 'pretending' and just counting on a chemically altered stick telling us what's up, we're ready for someone with a professional degree to shed some light on this first of many firsts to be.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

a brand new start

so i've thought about starting a blog in the past... i never thought it would be in this fashion that it happened. oh snap... something's developing is the start of an adventure for this oh snap mama-to-be and husband, too.